Friday, December 14, 2012

Liar and Spy by Rebecca Stead

Final pages - my fifth part of this review. See below for links to the previous posts.

I am only going to say the last section of this book is like a huge punch in the stomach.  I can't tell you what happens I can only say - read this book!  READ THIS BOOK!

I had read so many book lists that included Liar and Spy and now I can see why.  I did enjoy When you reach me but this one is so much better.

Here is the author web site.

Liar and Spy is very short, very American and very enjoyable. It's also very funny in places, such as the extraordinarily personal fortunes in the fortune cookies at Yum Li's. ("Why don't you look up once in a while? Is something wrong with your neck?") Rebecca Stead makes writing this well look easy. She is, of course, playing games.

Here is an interview with the author.

Here is an extract from the book.

Have I convinced you to read Liar and Spy - ten out of ten!

Here are my earlier posts:

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