Saturday, December 8, 2012

Lost and found by Oliver Jeffers

I have just noticed that when you look on my sidebar books with the subject 'Friendship' out number all others. I wonder why?  Is this because so many books are about friendship or because I am some how drawn to stories with friendship at their heart. I will need to think a little more about this.

Once there was a boy and one day he found a penguin at his door. The boy asks everyone if they have lost a penguin and then he realizes the penguin needs to travel home to Antarctica.  He tries to attract the attention of a large ship but his calls are not heard over the ship's horn so he checks his own little row boat for sea worthiness, packs some supplies and the two of them head off to Antarctica.  Along the way the boy entertains the penguin with wonderful stories.

When they arrive the boy waves farewell to the penguin and he sets off home but he has not gone far when he realizes he has made an awful mistake."The penguin wasn't lost.  He was just lonely."

This is such a perfect book in every way. The illustrations, the emotions and the perfect ending.  You will cheer for our two little heroes as they sail in different directions around Antarctica.  Here is a video from Oliver Jeffers on how to draw a penguin.  Here is the author web site.  Here is a trailer for the 24 minute award winning film.  Take a minute to look at this it is so charming. Finally here is an amazing detailed review of this book.

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