Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Amazing Adventures of Chilly Billy by Peter Mayle illustrated by Arthur Robbins

I have talked about this little gem in a previous post but today I just want to make a HUGE announcement. My favourite little read-a-loud book has been republished!  A big thank you to Peter Mayle for organizing this.

Yesterday was Library Lovers Day and a little girl arrived in my school library with a huge smile on her face. She reached into her library bag and presented me with two brand new copies of The Amazing Adventures of Chilly Billy.  I could hardly believe my eyes!!

I have read more about this and discover Peter Mayle's wife suggested they have this book re-published. You can even buy an ebook edition.  The new print copy has black and white illustrations (the original ones were colour) and some of the layout is a little odd but these are small quibbles when compared with the joy of finding this splendid book again.  The ebook edition is in colour and follows the same format as the original print book from 1980.

If you are looking for an imaginative little book to share with a young child you are sure to enjoy The Amazing Adventures of Chilly Billy.

I will quote from the scene where Billy declares his love for Lily.

"You must admit this is a large and handsome fridge, with plenty of room and we could have friends to stay and parties and lots of fun and besides,' (here he had to stop for breath and pluck up his courage and squeeze Lilys little hand as tight as he could), I love you.' Then he went extremely pink and scuffed his boots and looked very carefully at his toes.'  'Oh Billy!' said Lily, and she lent over and kissed him once on the ear and three times on the nose."

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