Friday, April 17, 2015

The Lion and the Bird by Marianne Dubuc

In our busy and noisy world a quiet and poignant picture book like The Lion and the Bird is a special joy.  The story begins in Autumn and as bear is raking leaves he hears a sound and discovers a small bird lying hurt beside a felled tree.  He gently bandages the little bird and carries his new friend home using the warmth of his mane.

Lion brings bird into his cosy living room and gradually they adopt a new daily routine of shared meals, bedtime stories, personal care and sleep. As time moves on winter begins and the world outside is covered with snow. Bird joins in with tobogganing, ice fishing and pleasant evenings by their warm fire.  "... winter doesn't feel all that cold with a friend."

Spring is heralded with a beautiful image of a small crocus flower popping up through the snow. With the coming of spring bird explains (using sign language) that it is time to rejoin his flock.  Bird flies away and  you can just feel Lion's heart breaking. Lion tries to follow his daily routine but nothing feels right now Bird has gone.  "Summer passes slowly, softly. Then one day, autumn returns."

Turn the final pages of this precious book slowly. There is even one completely blank page that perfectly conveys the mood.

You can see nearly every picture from this book here.  If you discuss this book with an older group of children you might like to use this set of review comments.  Here is the web site for Marianne Dubuc.  If you are looking for a very special book to share with one child or a group I highly recommend The Lion and the Bird.

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