Wednesday, July 1, 2015

A library book for bear by Bonny Becker illustrated by Kady MacDonald Denton

"Bear had never been to the library
He had seven very nice books at home:
three about kings and queens, three about honeybees,
and one about pickles.
Bear was quite sure he had
all the books he would ever need."

You might well imagine that I love this book A library book for bear.  Bear has books.  Why does he need to visit a library! He has made a promise to mouse and so he puts on his roller skates and this unlikely pair set off to the huge public library.

Mouse is the happy optimist.  Bear is sure this will all be a huge waste of time.

I love all the little expressions in this book.  Such a rich vocabulary to talk about with young readers. Here are some examples :

"a happy wag of his whiskers"
"the wind rippling nicely through their fur"
"most excessive"
"terribly extravagant"

Bear decides the one book he would like is a book about pickles.  He only has one of these in his home library.  Bear does not know about library voices and he does not want a book about any other topic.  Mouse tries to explain but bear just gets louder and louder - perfect for reading aloud.  I also love the way the illustrator gives bear such wonderful expressions mostly through the eyes.

Every book in this series is a true gem make sure you look for every one of them today.  Here is the web site for Bonny Becker  and here is a set of teaching notes.

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