Sunday, May 15, 2016

Love is my favourite thing by Emma Chichester Clark

Later this term we will read a terrific series of books with our Kindergarten stories by Emma Chichester Clark called Blue Kangaroo.  We will also read a book to our Year Three classes called The Dragon and the Minstrel pup which was illustrated by Emma.

I have included two different cover designs here.  We own the red one.

In Love is my favourite thing we meet Plum - he really is Emma's dog.  You can read about him on his own blog page.

Plum, or Plummie as he loves to be called, has a long list of things he loves.  He loves all kinds of weather, his chew toys, treats, bed and sticks


Plum has a happy life with Emma and Rupert until one day at the park when things get a little out of control. "Bad girl!' (Emma) shouted and I knew I'd made a big mistake."

The list of disasters just seems to grow longer and longer.  Plum worries that no one will love her anymore.  She is banished to the basement.  This page will melt your heart and then the final page will make you, and the young child sharing this book with you, smile!

Young dog lovers will love (pardon the pun) this book.  We will add it to our collection of read-a-loud books about dogs which will explore later this year with our Kindergarten classes.

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