Sunday, May 29, 2016

Ollie and the wind by Ronojoy Ghosh

Oddly my first question about Ollie and the wind (short listed for the 2016 CBCA awards) was who is Ronojoy Ghosh and is Ollie and the wind his first book?  Yes it is. Ronojoy has been working in advertising.  How amazing to have your very first book reach the short list.  Ronojoy has now written his second book - No place like home which you can also find in our school library.

One aspect of this book that appeals to me is the way Ollie is a problem solver.  The wind takes his hat and scarf - how can Ollie get his things back.

"That night as Ollie lay in bed, he thought about why the wind didn't want to play with his toys. Then he had an idea."

I have not yet shared this book with our Kindergarten children but I do think they will laugh as Ollie attempts to catch the wind with a net and an empty can.  I can also see there will be a lot to discuss when the wind rejects Ollie's ball and precious fire truck.

The idea of flying kites at night is also an appealing one especially under a full moon.

Here are some very detailed teaching notes for Ollie and the Wind

After reading this book you could explore some of these books about the wind.  I would also recommend looking at some of our wonderful stories about kites especially The Sea Breeze hotel which is also a story about problem solving.  We will also read Blown Away and Stuck by Oliver Jeffers as books to compare with Ollie and the Wind.

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