Monday, January 30, 2017

How the library (not the Prince) saved Rapunzel by Wendy Meddour illustrated by Rebecca Ashdown

How the library (not the Prince) saved Rapunzel looked like the perfect book to begin our library year so I bought it home to read tonight. Told in rhyme Rapunzel is on the sixteenth floor on a tall apartment building. She ignores the milkman, the postman, the baker (she has a tray of delicious treats), her aunt and the Prince.

"To think,' said her aunt, 'that she's all alone, on the sixteenth floor, as thin as bone.
Rapunzel has patience. She doesn't move. 
She has nowhere to go. She has nothing to prove.
But to sit on your own all day and dream - 
well, it's not really good for one's self-esteem."

There is a problem.  Now we need a creative and co-operative solution.  The real remedy, though, is inside the letter the postman had tried to deliver.

"I've got a new job at the library."
"For along with her hair and her ravishing looks,
she loved nothing better than reading good books!"

When you read this book go back and take some time to notice all the extra and delicious details in the illustrations.  On the end papers you can see many cats enjoying the delights of the library.  Even though Rapunzel supposedly doesn't move she keeps changing her hat. The Prince arrives on his moped. I love the different faces too.  The baker is a lady and the postman wears a turban.

Here is the Prince - he is never seen again.

There is only one little problem with the rhyme for an Australian audience - moan and scone.

"So don't just wait for your prince to show.
He might turn up, but you never know.
Pop down to your library and borrow a book - 
there's SO MUCH to find out if only you look."

Here is an excellent review.

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