Sunday, June 25, 2017

The storm whale in winter by Benji Davies

Noi could not forget his friend.

My countdown has begun.  The Storm Whale in Winter is post 997!  I am close to my target of 1000 reviews.

The Storm Whale in Winter is the companion book to The Storm Whale so you might like to start by reading my thoughts.  Then find this first book so you understand the sequel.  I love the work of Benji Davies and this new book is just as perfect as the first.  We have nine books illustrated by Benji in our school library.  Read an interview here.

Winter has come. Noi's dad sets off on hist last trip of the season but he fails to return home. The sea is frozen hard so Noi walks out onto the ice holding only a tiny lantern with snow falling all around. It seems all is lost when he glimpses his father's boat but it is empty. Noi climbs on board and falls into an exhausted sleep. What Noi does not know is that his old friend is close by - under the sea. The storm whale and his friends work together to push Noi back to the safety of the harbour.

Something to discuss with a class.  Look at the little boat and then look at the changes that are made in the Summer.  This would be a great book for a father and son to share.  You can see more art from this book here.

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