Thursday, June 15, 2017

Waiting for the magic by Patricia MacLachlan illustrated by Amy June Bates

"What kind of dog are we getting?' I asked. ... 'Can we get a cat?' asked Elinor ... For a moment I thought about asking for a horse."

Papa leaves. Mama is sad. She puts William and Elinor into the car and sets off to get a dog.  At the shelter they fall in love with four dogs.  Mama says we will take all of them and so four dogs named Bryn, Grace, Bitty and Neo, along with one cat called Lula, move in with the family.

Papa does return but it is these special dogs who help to heal this broken family.  The dogs are magic and very young children and old people like the Grandparents are the first to hear their wisdom.

Don't wait for the magic - rush out and read this book Waiting for the magic it is simply perfect as are all books by Patricia MacLachlan who writes with quiet wisdom.

Here is an interview from 2008 with the illustrator Amy June Bates.

She balances some tough issues with sweetness and humor, and there’s a happy, satisfying and cathartic ending, proving that magic is closer than one thinks and is worth the wait.  Kirkus

Does a book ever make your day?  Like you are so happy that you were so lucky to have discovered it and to have read it?   A Year of Reading

... a captivating and charming book with just the right amount of magic, love and family bonding that will delight readers of all ages. KidsReads

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