Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Princess Beatrice and the Rotten Robber by Elizabeth Honey

Tuesday Treasure

Princess Beatrice is a little girl who doesn’t need rescuing by a prince – but unlike many ‘independent princess’ stories, the handsome prince doesn’t even make an appearance. Where the Books Are

A robber sees the door to the castle is open. There is a room filled with jewels in this castle. It has become a play room for the princess.  Princess Beatrice loves to try on as many of the beautiful jewels as she fit on her arms, head and neck. When the robber comes face to face with little Beatrice she looks like a Christmas Tree. He sweeps her up and rides off into the forest.

This robber has totally underestimated little Beatrice. She twists her bracelet into handcuffs, clips his boots together, and strangles him with a jeweled choker. Now she needs to find her way home. Luckily, as we know from the fairy tale Hansel and Gretel, there is a trail to follow not of breadcrumbs but of spilled jewels. She hauls the robber onto his horse and sets off step by step. Her parents are overjoyed when she finally reaches home and as a punishment the robber is made "head cleaner and polisher of the royal treasures." It is a very happy ending.

Princess Beatrice and the Rotten Robber is my Tuesday Treasure because of the connection with another book by Elizabeth Honey. The plot of What do you think Feezal? cross references Princess Beatrice and the Rotten Robber which is why I would have kept this little picture book from 1988 in my former library. Sadly it has recently been weeded (culled).

Elizabeth Honey says: She’s a feisty little princess who provided inspiration for ‘What do you think, Feezal?

This is one of those little books that could easily be overlooked, and of course it is long out of print, but the story is good fun, the heroine is brave and the illustrations are filled with warmth.  Here is a video of the story. Not sure about the way the narrator says the word 'castle'.

Another book with a similar feisty heroine which you could pair with Princess Beatrice is Bossyboots by David Cox.

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