Sunday, May 12, 2019

Tenrec's Twigs by Bert Kitchen

Tuesday Treasure

"As the sun rose over the hill, Tenrec popped his head out of his burrow and sniffed the fresh morning air. The weather was dry and bright, just right for building. He snuffled along until he came to the place where he had gathered a pile of twigs the day before."

Following a question and answer format the little tenrec (they only live in Madagascar) asks a number of unusual animals if they know why he building his twig constructions - should he stop building them?  Here is a list of the animals:

  • Warthog
  • Giant anteater
  • Small-scaled Pangolin
  • Golden Mole
  • Marabou "Adjutant" Stork
  • Two-toed Sloth
  • Milky Eagle Owl

And here is our little tenrec:

It is perfect timing to talk about this book which is one of my Tuesday Treasures (even though today is not Tuesday).  Last week the UN reported one million species are at risk of extinction on our planet. There are two things I love about this book - the wonderful science-like illustrations by Bert Kitchen and the way this book increased my curiosity about animals such as the tenrec, pangolin and stork. The last page in the book has some scientific information as a springboard to your research. Read these comments by my friend at Kinderbookswitheverything. We both agree this is a favourite book which I hope you can find in a school or local library.

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