Sunday, August 18, 2019

It might be an apple by Shinsuke Yoshitake

This is a funny book!  I am going to say that again with emphasis this is a FUNNY BOOK! I mentioned recently a conference I attended entitled At Least they're laughing. The conference organisers should have included this book and its creator Shinsuke Yoshitake. Do you recognise that name?  Probably not if you are from Australia. Shinsuke is Japanese. And here is another wonderful thing about this book. It was originally written in Japanese and so I am reading the English translation but despite cultural differences and nuances of language which may have been difficult to translate this book made me laugh and laugh.

I am not going to tell you too much about the 'plot'.  This is a book to just read and enjoy - nothing deep except perhaps the idea of looking at the world in a different, quirky and very creative way.  You can judge it for yourself.  Here is a video of the whole book. Take a look at this review. You can also see the whole book in Japanese here.  I think this book is a must add purchase for all school libraries. Here are some other books by Shinsuke Yoshitake:

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