Sunday, October 6, 2019

The Fox and the Star by Coralie Bickford-Smith

When I was researching The Blue Song Bird one reviewer mentioned The Fox and the Star. I am so happy to have discovered this elegant book.

I would use The Fox and the Star with a group of older students and I would also like to share this book with our art teacher. Here is one page but really you need to see every page in this book to fully appreciate the truly extraordinary designs used in this book. Take a look at this review which includes many of the illustrations.

Young Fox is timid and afraid to stray outside. His only friend is Star.

"... he would wake at night to the cool, calm light of Star."

This pair of Fox and Star are firm friends. Star lights the path and helps Fox find food but one night Star disappears. Fox withdraws into his den. When he emerges he sets off to find Star asking everyone he meets if they have seen his friend. Eventually he hears some words:


Fox looks into the sky and he sees thousands of stars.

"Fox could not believe there were so many stars!
His heart was full of happiness.
He knew that somewhere out there was a star that was one his."

Watch this interview with Coralie Bickford-Smith.  In 2015 The Fox and the Star was named the Waterstones Book of the Year. Here are some reviews:

This is such a charming and gloriously delightful short tale, about friendship, facing your fears and looking beyond the obvious.  Love Reading 4 Kids

This is such a lyrical, fable-like tale of friendship and courage--of finding our way in the world and coming together once again. It's also about the greatness of the world, and if we dare to step outside the things and places we know--what true glory might be waiting for us. Kids Book Review

I would pair The Fox and the Star with our wonderful Australian picture book Fox by Margaret Wild illustrated by Ron Brooks.

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