Friday, November 22, 2019

The Lion Inside by Rachel Bright illustrated by Jim Field

"No matter your size,
We all have a mouse
a lion inside."

There is SO much to love about this book.

"the sand sparkled gold"
"a mighty flat rock - all craggy and old"

Power relationships
Lion is powerful. He has a loud roar, he is strong, he is feared. He is the King Cat.
Mouse is small and insignificant but he aspires to greatness.
Mouse needs to be brave - he knows the only way to learn to roar is to ask Lion.
"But if you want things to change, you first have to change you."
When our little mouse meets the lion he is in for a big shock. Our fearless lion is terrified of mice - now who has the power?

"The mouse, while still little, felt big in his head.
And Lion? He still roared ... but with laughter instead!"

Preschool and Kindergarten participation
As you read this book your child listener/s will anticipate the rhyme.
Everyone will enjoy joining in with a loud ROAR and later an EEEEEEAK!!

Told in rhyme this book is fun, of course, but it also has a nice message about differences and how some people (or animals) are aggressive and loud, and others are meeker and milder, and how really, of course, there's room for all sorts whether it's in your family, your nursery class, or out in the wilds of Africa. The Book Bag

Read more about Rachel Bright and Jim Field.  You may recognise some other books illustrated by Jim Field - they are some of the most popular titles in many library collections:

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