Monday, December 16, 2019

Cat in the Manger by Michael Foreman

Can a Nativity story be funny? Yes it can when it is told by the wonderful Michael Foreman. This story is funny but it is also as moving as the Nativity story itself. Cat in the Manger was first published in 2000 so sadly it is out of print but I am sure it can be found in many libraries.

Here are some text quotes to give you a sense of this writing. The story is told from the point of view of a cat who is sheltering in a barn, a barn that any moment will be filled with animals, Kings, shepherds, two people we know are called Mary and Joseph and their brand new baby Jesus along with many farm animals.

"Now I've got nothing against cows. They may be a bit stupid and clumsy, bumping into each other as they do, but at least they are warm. On a cold night they heat the old barn up a treat."

"I don't like goats much. Always arguing and butting each other. Fidgets, the lot of them. It's difficult to get to sleep when there are goats around."

"Don't talk to me about donkeys. I can't stand donkeys. They look at you with those big eyes as if they're friendly, then they turn around and kick you. You have to watch out when there are donkeys around."

"Then I heard sheep. Bleating sheep. Typical! Of all the stupid animals in the world, sheep can be relied upon to be the most stupid."

"The camels were the last straw. They are as clumsy as cows but have much bigger feet, bad tempers, bad breath, and they spit. There were three of them ... "

The best part of this story comes near the end. Our narrator cat looks around and sees rows and rows of mice. The cat was supposed to be catching mice but he just watches as they creep forward to the front where everyone is gazing at the new baby. 

"Funny thing is, I haven't caught a mouse since. I chase them occasionally, just to keep up appearances ... But I haven't had the heart to catch one."

There are hundreds of Nativity picture books you can share with your child but this one is truly special. Here are a set of questions you could use.  I would follow this book with The Last Straw and with other books that retell the Nativity story for example I have already talked about Room for a Little One.

If you do want another very funny Nativity story try to find a copy of Jesus Christmas Party by Nicholas Allen. I just found a musical edition of this book which would be perfect for an end of year Christmas concert!

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