Sunday, February 2, 2020

A letter for Tiger by Janosch

"One day when Little Bear was setting off to go fishing
 in the river again, 
Little Tiger said:
'Bear, I feel so lonely when you're away. 
I wish you'd write a letter home to cheer me up. Please do!"

As he does most days, Little Bear heads off to the river for a day of fishing. He writes a letter to his friend but then forgets to post or send it. He is still holding the letter when he arrives home.  Little Tiger has had such a sad day. No letter has arrived and his chores remain untouched.  The next day Little Tiger asks for another letter but he also asks Little Bear to send it earlier. Down at the river Little Bear asks everyone he meets if they might deliver the letter but everyone says no. He asks a goose, a fat fish, a mouse and a fox but they all have excuses. He even asks an elephant. Finally a hare comes by.

"Mr Bear, give me your letter!
It will get there all the better.
Stamp it, then your job is done.
Now run, hare, run, hare, run!"

It seems the communication issues are solved. Little Tiger gets his letter, he is so happy. His mood lifts and he is now able to prepare the onions and potatoes for their super. Little Tiger wants to share his happiness so he suggests the friends take turns sending letters to each other on alternate days using Hare as a mailman.  Other animals join in the new letter craze.  There are now so many letters that need delivery so hare recruits other hares to help him. Soon hares are racing around in their snazzy running shoes delivering letters into all the new yellow letter boxes that have appeared in the forest.

Now comes the beautiful twist in the story.  Little Tiger has another bright idea. He works out how to rig up a telephone from the living room to the kitchen using a garden hose. Then he tries using this across the river and very soon the moles dig a network of tunnels and everyone can talk on their telephones. Well everyone except elephant who would like to talk to Africa! Perhaps he will have to use airmail.

I have talked about Janosch in previous posts. I rate The Trip to Panama as one of my most favourite picture books. Listen to an audio sample from A letter for Tiger here. I found a photo of the German author Janosch who was born in 1931. A letter for Tiger was originally called Post fur den Tiger. You can follow Janosch on Facebook. I also found this film with three stories.

A letter for Tiger is an old book (1981) and so it is out of print but you might be lucky and find a copy as I did at a charity book sale this week. This book could generate some terrific discussion with young children and perhaps you might even write a few letters together, post them and enjoy that moment when a letter appears in your letter box. (Not email, a real letter!)

Here are some other titles about Little Tiger and Little Bear and the toy (I would adore to have this).

Finally I was excited to find some Janosch stamps which celebrate his work:

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