Wednesday, April 8, 2020

More by I.C. Springman illustrated by Brian Lies

When is more more than enough?

This book has 45 words! Read it and then count the words. Now marvel that this is a powerful story. In just 45 words IC Springman and Brian Lies present a message for our times. Do we really need 'more'? Can we get by with 'less'? If we had 'less' would we be happier?

Magpie is given a marble by Mouse. He places it in his nest and while it looks good perhaps more things would make the nest look even better so he sets out to collect more things - a coin, a lego block, keys, sunglasses ... more and more and more.

As you can see the illustrations are stunning but perhaps by this picture (below) Magpie really has too much stuff!

Magpie puts all of his treasures into his nest. Eventually it all comes crashing down to earth. Luckily a team of mice are close by and they assist the magpie with the important decision about which things he might keep.  In the end he only takes the shiny marble and a castle chess piece along with his new friend, the wise mouse.

Lies' magnificent illustrations keep listeners glued to the page, and he includes just enough familiar items among the junk (a lego brick, a binky, a Tinker Toy, a toothbrush) that More almost reads like a seek-and-find book at times. Books4yourkids

You can read a series of review quotes about More on Brian Lies own web site. Take a look at Seven Impossibe Things where you can see some preliminary drawings for More.

The hardcover edition of this book was published in 2012 but I am happy to report there is a new paperback copy which has just been published - December 2019. I was interested to read scientists don't think Magpies actually do collect objects. If you want to read about a bird that really does collect things you might research our Australian Satin Bower Bird.

More was nominated for the 2013 Bull Bransom Award.  Here are the other contenders from that year. The winner was Oh, No! If you are looking for books to add to a school library collection I highly recommend the purchase of books that are nominated for this award - they are always treasures.

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