Friday, April 10, 2020

Would you like a banana? by Yasmeen Ismail

You may recognise this conversation.

I'm hungry
Would you like a banana?
No. It's too yellow. It's too bendy. It's too wonky. I won't eat a banana.
But you might like a banana. Just try a teeny taste. Would you like one on a plate?
I won't eat a banana.
You might like one with some bread, or maybe standing on your head.
No. I won't eat a banana.

Perhaps you would like it mashed or sliced or made into a cake? NO.

Okay you don't have to eat a banana.

Can you guess what happens next?

This is such a fun book to read to a group but it also contains a grain of truth. A friend, who is a Teacher-Librarian, explained to me recently that the students who visit her library seem to resist borrowing any book she recommends. If she waxes lyrical the children seem to think the book is bad. In relation to food I know of one family that told their youngest child that only very smart, or much older children like a particular vegetable. Success - reverse psychology.

I love the huge illustrations on the bright white background and the inclusion of photos of real bananas. Yasmeen Ismail is a master of facial expression using simple lines and perfectly positioned eye balls.

My friend at Kinderbooks with everything has created a collection of picture books that feature bananas

I would pair this book with Green Eggs and Ham; I will not Ever never eat a Tomato; Eat your peas; and Tales for very Picky Eaters.

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