Sunday, May 24, 2020

Boa's Bad Birthday by Jeanne Willis illustrated by Tony Ross

What do you want for your birthday? Think about the most perfect present you ever received. Now think about the giver of this gift. I imagine the giver really thought about YOU and the the gift was a perfect fit. Even now, years later, you may still treasure this gift.

Now imagine you are a boa!  It is your birthday. All your friends have gifts but are they the right ones and are they given with you in mind?  Would you like a grand piano; a pair of sunglasses; colourful mittens; or perhaps a new hairbrush?

"It was Boa's worst birthday ever.
All his gifts were rubbish."

Then one more friend arrives. It's Dung Beetle and his gift (I know you have already guessed) is a pile of ...  It is true a dung ball is not the perfect gift but inside is a wonderful surprise.

I would pair Boa's Bad Birthday with The Silver Christmas Tree by Pat Hutchins because this is also about anticipating and hoping for a perfect gift. Another book to look out for would be Thank you for my Yukky Present by Meredith Hooper illustrated by Emma Quay. You might also like to take a look at this little animated film - The Present - which would be good to use with an older group of students.

Jeanne Willis and Tony Ross are a perfect pair of book creators. They have collaborated on a large number of terrific books. My favourite is Mayfly Day.

If you are looking for other books about Boa Constrictors here are a few you might find in a school or public library. This could be a topic to explore as a mini theme with younger students and of course you would include some non fiction titles in your book bag too. Go to [597.967] to find them.

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