Friday, August 21, 2020

Andy Shane series by Jennifer Richard Jacobson illustrated by Abby Carter

Easy Fiction Treasures

The Barn Sale is the fifth book in the Andy Shane series.  In this story Andy Shane and Granny Webb are celebrating their unbirthday. Andy thinks up the perfect present. Granny Webb loves her binoculars but she has no case for them. The problem is Andy has no money so he gathers things from around his neighborhood and holds a barn sale. Everything is going really well and the money is rolling in until Andy discovers his friend Dolores has sold the binoculars. They were hanging on a hook in the barn and Dolores thought they were for sale.

Will Andy ever retrieve the precious binoculars and if he does will he still have enough money to buy a present for Granny Webb?

In just 58 pages of large print text sprinkled with lively illustrations Jennifer Richard Jacobson gives readers a very satisfying and realistic story with a perfect and yet surprising happy ending.

There are six books in the Andy Shane series beginning with Andy Shane and the very bossy Dolores Starbuckle (2005).

I am happy to discover all of these are still available. It is great to have easy chapter books for newly independent readers with very satisfying stories.  Here is a text sample which gives you an idea about the print size and spacing of the books in this series:

I have talked about several other middle grade books by Jennifer Richard Jacobson on this blog - Paper Things and The Dollar Kids.

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