Sunday, August 23, 2020

Conker and Nudge by Adria Meserve


Sometimes little brothers, who might bother you, can also be heroes!

Nudge loves his older brother Conker. Nudge adores his older brother. Nudge wants to be just like his brother. Nudge hangs around all day trying to copy Conker until finally Conker decides he wants to spend time with his own friends and he leaves Nudge behind. Three friends head off on an adventure and everything goes well until they are attacked by a jaguar. Capybara dives into a hole. Armadillo curls up into a ball but Conker has nowhere to hide. Can you guess who comes to his rescue?

If you are talking about sibling rivalry or you have two kids (boys perhaps) who don't always get along this is a perfect book. It is not didactic - Conker is mostly okay with young Nudge and the way his little brother copies everything Conker does. Yes in the end the two boys (anteaters) do make friends again (mostly).

I said when I started this blog in 2008 I would share new discoveries and old favourites. Conker and Nudge is a new discovery for me but it is not a new book, it was first published in 2008. Yes it is now sadly out of print. You might be lucky like me a find a copy in a well stocked library.

You can see the whole book here

Here is another book by Adria Meserve:

You could follow Conker and Nudge with a few simple non fiction books about the curious anteater and possibly also the capybara and armadillo:

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