Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Tyson the Terrible by Diane and Christyan Fox

In my last post I talked about Little Tom and the trip to the Moon.  Here is another preschool book by the talented husband and wife team of Diane and Christyan Fox.

At it's heart this is a book about preconceived ideas. The little dinosaurs have not met Tyson but they have heard some terrible rumours and seen pictures of Tyson in the Dinosaur Weekly:

"I've heard he's got six hundred razor sharp teeth."

"They say he eats seventeen dinosaurs for breakfast EVERY DAY."

"He's taller than a mountain ... his claws are like knives ... He's always really angry."

Little Stegg, Serra and Plod can hear a boom boom boom coming their way. It gets louder and louder. Finally another dinosaur arrives. Has he been making all that noise?

"Nobody ever wants to play with me!' wailed a little voice."

Did you notice the important word 'little'? These are the words of a tiny tyrannosaurus. Stegg, Serra and Plod are happy to pay football with this little guy - he is not fierce or scary at all. BUT ... then their new friend asks:

"Can my little brother play too?"  This brother is NOT little - in fact he is so big the page has to fold out and expand so we can see all of him. YES it is Tyson!  Take a look at this video to see the whole book.

Hopefully you can find this book in a well stocked library because it was first published in 2006 and so is now out of print. All preschoolers will love meeting this little band of dinosaurs and their "new" big friend Tyson.

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