Sunday, October 4, 2020

Book Week Challenges 2020

Book Week 17th October - 23rd October, 2020

This is controversial but I am not a fan of Book Week dress up days or parades.  I think Book Week should be a celebration of books, reading, libraries and creative thinking, so in my school, as an alternate activity, I set four Book Week challenges each year. You can read about some past challenges here. My rules are simple but of course you can set your own:

  • the challenge must be completed during the school day 
  • the deadline for entries is 3.25pm each day
  • label your work with your name and class
  • up to ten winners will be announced each morning and they will each received a small prize bag. There are also certificates for highly commended and commended entries
  • You can visit a showcase of entries in the library during Book Week and beyond

Here are my challenges for 2020. As I have now left my previous school I designed these challenges for a friend who teaches Grade Five (Stage 3). Please feel free to use, adapt, adopt etc.  Here are eight challenges based around the 2020 CBCA slogan/theme Curious Creatures, Wild Minds. When I do this I only do four challenges over four days. It takes a long time (at night) to sift through the hundreds of entries. I think it is important to maintain the excitment by announcing winners each day. The image below is the badge available from the CBCA - just one of the merchandise items designed to celebrate the slogan this year. This honour always goes to the winner of the Picture book of the Year (2 years ago) and this time it is designed by Gwyn Perkins who won with his book A Walk in the Bush.


1. Two curious creatures meet – an argument ensues – who is the most curious? Decide which two creatures (animals real or imaginary) have met, and now decide how to present the argument– for example as a cartoon with speech bubbles or as a formal interview with a mediator or another idea. Extension idea: adjudicate the argument and declare a winner.


 2. NASA will send the details of some animals from earth inside a rocket. They plan to send this rocket well beyond our solar system. The details of the animals from earth will be supplied as digital files, photos and drawings by children. The problem: Because there is limited space in the rocket it has been decided the details of only 100 animals can be included. We know there are 8.7 Million species of animals on earth. You have been asked to select ONE animal to include and then complete brief information for the digital file and, as a child, you also need to include your drawing of this creature. Extension idea: You may be asked to make a short one minute speech to justify your choice.


3. We know animals see the world in quite different way from humans for example dogs can only see the colours Blue and Yellow. Select one animal, research how they see the world. Now draw or describe your bedroom from the point of view of your animal – it could be your pet or a wild animal or even an insect.  Extension idea add in other senses – what does your room smell like, sound like and/or taste like? 


4. Our Australian coat of arms was designed in 1908. Other Australian animals are now demanding a change. Why should the emu and kangaroo take centre stage? Your task is to design a new Australian coat of arms with at least two different animals and attach one paragraph to justify your choices. Extension idea: design a new Australian $200 note which must include an animal image. 


5. Just when we thought all the possible animals in our world had been discovered, an intrepid explorer has found a new, very tiny creature which cannot be seen with a human eye. Design a portable device that this explorer has taken on his trip so this creature can be described. Extension idea: This creature needs a scientific name and this must link to a famous explorer from history. 


6. Let your mind go wild. It’s time to employ your imagination. You are going to host a party for every pet that lives in your street! You will need to design the invitations, food, decorations and games. Extension idea – prizes and treat bag contents. 


7. There is a saying "curiosity killed the cat".  Write a very short story that reveals why this is NOT true. 


8. You have the chance to interview a curious creature. This could be a real animal or an imagined one, it could even be a mythical beast. Think about what you would like to know and write five open-ended questions.  Extension idea - write the answers and consider making this funny.


Here are some photos of children's work from past years:

If you like this idea or you use some challenges I'd love to hear about your experience.  You might like to write a comment?

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