Thursday, November 19, 2020

The Lost Star by Przemystaw Wechterowicz illustrated by Marcin Minor translated by Margot Channing

"Doormouse couldn't believe his eyes - it was a star! A real golden star that must have fallen from the sky. He smiled and whispered 'Hello', as he reached out to touch the star. Star looked up, twinkled and smiled back."

Doormouse invites Star to come and play. The new friends dance into the forest but Doormouse notices Star is fading. It is time for Star to return home but how can the animals of the forest help? Bear takes Star to the top of a tall tree. Crow flies with Star up high into the sky. Nothing works. Then the wise owl suggests the take Star to the lake.

"Suddenly the moon came out, lighting up the night-time sky ... The surface of the lake was now filled with the reflection of the sky above - it was star-studded!"

There are lots of books about finding stars and later returning them to the night sky but The Lost Star stands out because it has such luminous illustrations and a gentle, affirming ending.

Filled with atmospheric illustrations and soothing, dreamlike text, this heartwarming picture book will enchant children. Book Depository

Przemystaw Wechterowicz is the author of over forty books and his work has been translated into twenty languages.   Here is the cover of the Polish edition of this book:

I am including photos of Przemystaw and Marcin (illustrator).

I have previously talked about two other books by Polish author Przemystaw Wechterowicz - Hug me Please! and The secret life of a Tiger.

Other books about finding a star:

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