Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Troll and the Oliver by Adam Stower

Troll wants to eat the Oliver. The Oliver tricks him at every turn until finally the Troll pounces. He gobbles up the Oliver only to discover Olivers taste revolting. Luckily the Oliver has been busy baking cup cakes and of course all Trolls LOVE CAKE!

The word "the" is very important in the reading of this book. It is one of the aspects that makes this such a funny story. You could talk to your students about reversing the title - Oliver and the Troll and introduce the grammar concept of the as the definite article.

My friend gave me this book to read from her school library last week. I did wonder why? It is not new. It is not a book translated into English - I am collecting these. Oh now I know - cake!  There is a cake recipe in the back.  Perhaps this is a hint that I should get cooking. In this video Adam Stower talks about his book.

Here is an alternate cover:

Nicely tuned to a preschool sense of the ridiculous. Kirkus

This is sure to become a story time favourite. Books for Keeps

After, or perhaps before, reading this book you will want to read some other famous troll stories such as The Three Billy Goats Gruff.  I would also suggest you take a look at The Finger Eater by Dick King Smith.

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