Friday, December 4, 2020

A Bellbird in a Flame Tree by Kilmeny Niland

 The Twelve Days of Christmas

This book - A Bellbird in a Flame Tree - is the first of two Christmas books that I plan to share here which give the famous poem Twelve Days of Christmas an Aussie (Australian) flavour.

My true love sent to me:

  • A bellbird in a flame tree
  • Two wallabies
  • Three lorikeets
  • Four pelicans
  • Five crocodiles - how perfect is this for the song
  • Six penguins peeping
  • Seven mice-a-marching
  • Eight quokkas cooking
  • Nine numbats knitting
  • Ten dingoes dancing
  • Eleven lizards leaping
  • Twelve koalas clowning

I love the way all of the animals are represented in a huge Christmas tree on the final page. And on the title page Kilmeny Niland has used a wombat with a gift tag as her dedication.

Sadly A Bellbird in a Flame Tree is long out of print (first published 1989) but I am sure most Australian school libraries will still have a copy.

For readers from other parts of the world here are some links to explore

If you look closely the mice look very much like the mice in another Kilmeny Niland book - Fey Mouse.

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