Saturday, December 26, 2020

IBBY Outstanding books for Young People with Disabiities 2021

Every two years, IBBY invites nominations from national sections for its international list of Outstanding Books for Young People with Disabilities. The final list is selected from these by the IBBY Documentation Centre of Books for Young People with Disabilities, which is based in Toronto. Because of its international content, the list is unique in the children’s book world. It is a huge voluntary undertaking as every country is encouraged to submit up to twelve titles across the three categories. This identifies well-written and illustrated books for and about young people with different abilities, presented with dignity, emphasising the person rather than the disability itself. The full collection of nominated books is held at the Toronto Public Library and can be accessed online here. It is searchable by title, author, subject, format, keyword and language. An annotated printed catalogue of the final selection is published. 

This time the organisers received 194 submissions from 31 countries in 24 languages. From these, 40 titles from 27 countries in 21 languages were selected.

Category 1  Books produced in special formats, such as Braille, sign language, PCS or Bliss symbols, tactile, and easy-to-read books, specifically written for young people with developmental, mental or language disabilities.

Category 2  Picture books from the regular production especially selected for young people with disabilities that also answer their particular needs through design, topics, illustrations and texts.

Category 3  Picture books and novels that portray persons with disabilities.

IBBY Australia nominated seven titles with a range of themes, genre, and age groups. Titles that were not chosen will remain in the reference collection for research and study at the Toronto Public Library.

Cheeky Dogs to Lake Nash & Back, D. Beasley & J. Bell, Allen & Unwin

Mika & Max, L. Bloom, Walker Books 

Boy, P. Cummings and S. Devries, Scholastic Press

How It Feels to Float, H. Fox, Pan Macmillan

Lenny’s Book of Everything, K. Foxlee, Allen & Unwin

Everything I’ve Never Said, S. Wheeler, University of Queensland Press

Impossible Music, S. Williams, Allen & Unwin

Here are the two Australian titles which have been accepted as additions to the list for 2021:

Phil Cummings reads his book here. Kirkus said: Cummings’ fable rolls out with poetic economy, heightened by Devries’ spacious page design. ...  Deftly persuasive.

Here are a set of teaching notes from Scholastic and Phil Cummings web site where you can all of his books.

You may be interested to explore some of the other Picture Book nominations from the UK. The 2021 Selection of Outstanding Books will be launched at the Bologna International Children's Book Fair in March/April 2021. The illustrated and annotated print catalogue will be distributed worldwide by the IBBY Secretariat, and an electronic version will be posted on the IBBY website.

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