Monday, March 8, 2021

An Interesting Word for Every day of the Year by Dr Meredith L Rowe and Monika Forsberg

This is a book I would like to gift to every classroom (Grades 1, 2 and 3).  In my former school library I used to display a word of the week and when we installed a new computer catalogue I would issue a word challenge to Grade 3 each week where they had to use my word of the week in an exciting sentence and then we published the best entries on our catalogue homepage for the whole school community to read, enjoy and perhaps even discover a new word or two.

There are 52 weeks of words (365 words) in this book spread over 105 pages.  There is also a full index if you need to refer to a specific word or share an illustration of a particular word with your class. Many of the illustrations are very funny.  

Here is the blurb from Walker BooksEach fully illustrated scene provides a fun and supportive platform to introduce little readers to big words and extend their vocabulary, which studies have recently proven to be the biggest indicator of a child’s potential later in life. Curated by a literacy expert, these 365 aspirational words will fire your child’s imagination, help them label their emotions and expand their comprehension. Each word is explained beneath in simple language to aid understanding and inspire a love of language.

There are no unfamiliar words in this book for me as an adult reader to discover but there are sure to be plenty of new words to share with a class.  Here are a few examples:

gratuitous; meagre; voracious; unfathomable;sabotage; obstinate; perilous; inconspicuous; and succumb.

Take a look at the art of Swedish illustrator Monika Forsberg (she now lives in London). You can see inside this book here.

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