Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Round by Jennifer Ward illustrated by Lisa Congdon

This book is filled with two word phrases exploring the idea of 'round'. 

Up round.

Down round.

Slow round.

Stow round.

Spotted round.

Dotted round.

Look at all the round things on the cover - nest; mushroom; dandelion; apple; snail shell; turtle and flower. The front and back end papers are also filled with round things. The bright colours on the cover are so appealing. I'd love to see this image used as wall paper for a child's bedroom.

In the library where I volunteer each week and where I borrow lots of books we had a debate about Round. Where should it live in the library?  The official catalogue service we use in NSW schools listed it as Seasons [508.2]; the CIP (Cataloging in Publication) data on the back of the title page says Fiction; or perhaps this book should live in Patterns [516.15]; or is this a book about the word 'round' and so should it go into Language Concepts [428.3]; and finally where is the best place so everyone - children and teachers will find, read and enjoy this splendid book? The decision - put with the picture books and they plan to use it in lots of displays and also they plan to share it with many teachers. 

This is a book you will love to share with a young child. There is so much to discover and so much to discuss and then, after reading this book, it would be great to go outside and find all the round things in your own street or park.

Here is the Author's note: "Roundness is found everywhere in nature but not necessarily as a perfect circle. Looking closely at the wild world, we can find roundness in the lobe of a leaf and the smoothness of a stone, in the curl of a wave and the coil of a shell. Seasons occur in a cycle of roundness, circling all around again and again; the water cycle is circular, too, as water is released from the ground and dropped from the sky over and over. Even the shapes of the planets and their orbits are round. Indeed round can be found all around us."

Kirkus suggest another book about the concept of 'round'.

Take a look at other art by Lisa Congdon. Round is her first picture book. Here is the web site for Jennifer Ward.

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