Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Henry and the Fox by Chris Wormell

"This is Henry, and Henry is a coward."

"Everyone thought poor Henry was hopeless. 

He only had one friend in the whole world: 

a bantam named Buffy."

Buffy is a such a good friend and she is a problem solver. She thinks of a clever way to fool the other hens and show Henry is brave. She takes some washing from the farm clothes line and uses it to make a fox. A sock filled with grass and leaves becomes a tail and a baggy red jumper, from a distance, looks just like the body of the fox hiding in the nettles. 

It is a brilliant plan except there is a problem. Rhoda overhears the pair of friends. She 'spills the beans' to all other hens. What none of them realise is the jumper has become a warm inviting bed in the summer sunshine. Someone has come along and curled up and fallen asleep on this inviting bed. Yes you are right the someone is a real fox. Henry leaps onto the jumper and without realising attacks the fox.

"Poor Henry got a terrible shock when the red woolly jumper turned in a real fox. He opened his beak to scream, only that's not what came out. What came out was a glorious "Cock-a-doodle-doo! right in the fox's face. The fox ran for his life."

Henry and the Fox was published in 2006 and so sadly it is out of print but you may find a copy in a library. The illustrations showing the rural setting, stone fence, old farm house and meadow are wonderful. They reminded me of John Joe and the Big Hen by Martin Waddell illustrated by Paul Howard. Here is the web site for Chris Wormell.  I would pair this book with these:

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