Friday, June 11, 2021

And ... by Philippe Jalbert

"No! Don't touch the butterfly! If you do, it will fly away and ... "

Open to the very first page of this book and stop - the story has begun. A little girl sees a pretty butterfly hovering near a red flower. She crouches down for a closer look but her mother says - no! If you touch this butterfly it will fly away, a flower petal will fall and it will land on a dung beetle and his ball of dung will roll into a river and this will cause the water to rise and the dam wall will break and ...

"I promise I won't touch the butterfly, and ... "

Make sure you turn to the very last page because it is the perfect 'oh no' moment.

This book was originally published in French with the title Et...  Take a look at other books by Philippe Jalbert.

Here is another other picture book about the butterfly effect:

And here are my favourite books about actions and consequences:

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