Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Who Left the Light On? by Richard Marnier illustrated by Aude Maurel translated by Emma Ramadan


Every house looks the same. The same roof, the same front door, and the same daily routine until one night someone leaves their light on! Everyone is dismayed but then this odd ball neighbour moves away and things settle down again. Over time, though, the empty house begins to fall down. 

"The house, abandoned by all, starts to collapse. The roof starts to leak, the walls have huge cracks, and the dangling shutters are beginning to flap. The house gets so bad the town has it demolished."

One day the home owner returns. He has seen wonderful things on his journey so he sets about building a splendid new and very quirky house. The neighbours are not happy but then one of them decides to paint their shutters blue. And so the transformation of this neighbourhood begins. 

The final pages spread out over four pages and boy oh boy you and your young reading companion are in for a wonderful surprise.

Image Source: Restless Books

This translation from the French, told in simple rhyme, will inspire young architects to think outside the box. Kirkus

Here is a statement from the publisher web site - Yonder Books an imprint of Restless Books:

"Yonder is an imprint from Restless Books devoted to bringing the wealth of great stories from around the globe to English-reading children, middle graders, and young adults. Books from other countries, cultures, viewpoints, and storytelling traditions can open up a universe of possibility, and the wider our view, the more powerfully books enrich and expand us. In an increasingly complex, globalised world, stories are potent vehicles of empathy. We believe it is essential to teach our kids to place themselves in the shoes of others beyond their communities, and instil in them a lifelong curiosity about the world and their place in it. Through publishing a diverse array of transporting stories, Yonder nurtures the next generation of savvy global citizens and lifelong readers."

Take a look at the web pages of the French illustrator. This is a very special book but I am sad to see that here in Australia it costs over $40. Perhaps you will find this book in a well stocked library as I did.

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