Monday, October 11, 2021

Ghostcloud by Michael Mann

The evil Tabatha Margate rules the Battersea power station using a mixture of fear, severe punishments and frightening threats. Hundreds of children are suffering in this horrible underground environment where they work long hours shovelling coal into huge burners. It is incredibly dangerous work.  This is a debut novel from Michael Mann and he is sure to make you feel every cruel moment.

"There was a squeal of pain down the line, then the sizzle of hot ash on naked skin. A solitary sob echoed through the hall."

"The front line kids have to throw coal in the fire with their bare hands. The flames jump out and burn off their fingernails.  One kid lost an eye the other day."

The London of this dystopian world is covered in a dangerous smog. Children are regularly kidnapped to work for Tabatha. Areas of the city are now either uninhabitable or filled with make-shift shelters and people living in poverty. The tunnel between England and France is blocked. Meanwhile rich people ride around in vehicles with smog-sealed doors. 

Naturally Luke and his mate Ravi are desperate to get out of this place. There is a system where the children can earn a golden ticket and so that is their goal until the night Luke meets a ghostcloud named Alma. Backing up a little, Luke is working at his shovelling when Tabatha arrives. There is a new girl on the line called Jess. It is clear she has no idea how to shovel and so everyone on this line will be punished and worse still it will take longer to earn that golden ticket. Luke leaps the line to rescue Jess but everything goes terribly wrong and so Luke and Jess are sent to clean the sewer in the East Wing as a punishment. After several fairly fruitless hours of cleaning this utterly filthy place, using strips of their own clothing, Luke suggests Jess take a nap. At this point he discovers a girl trapped behind the glass wall of the incinerator. He is able to rescue her and then he discovers she is a ghostcloud and better yet Luke himself has ghostly abilities too. 

Now the race is on to reach freedom but of course this is not simple. Freedom will also come with a cost because Tabatha certainly won't let these children go free. She will hunt them down. So who is this woman called Tabatha? Why is she using the children in this way? what is she hiding in her laboratory? Where does this smog come from? And can Luke stay safe when the skies are filled with ghouls?

I suggest readers in Australia may need a map of London to make sense of all the places mentioned in this story but don't let that stop you grabbing hold of this book - I think all the damaged and altered landmarks in London just add to the dystopian flavour. I recommend this book for readers aged 10+.

Ghostcloud has odd pricing. The hardcover was released on 7th October and is priced over $30 here in Australia. Some sellers list the paperback (due at the end of October) for under $20 while others have it listed over $25. Whatever the price I would add this book to your own or library shopping list. 

I would pair this book with The Wonderling by Mira Bartok.  This is a book that many of you may have missed reading but can I suggest you hunt it out (soon) because it is splendid. 

And you are also sure to enjoy The Middler by Kirsty Applebaum

Tabatha and her evil ways and her obsessive drive for power reminded me of these book characters

Matilda by Roald Dahl - Miss Trunchbull

The Girl who could fly by Victoria Forester - Dr Hellion

The Unadoptables by Hanna Tooke  - Matron Gassbeek

Beetle Boy by MG Leonard - Lucretia Cutter

The Lost Children by Carolyn Cohagan - The Master

Eloise and the Bucket of Stars by Janeen Brian - Sister Hortense

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