I watch a lot. I try to look carefully at everything I'm attracted to - interesting pictures, photographs - trying to grasp what I need in my work. ... By the way the less text the better - this gives more room for imagination.
Today I am sharing the work of another illustrator nominated for the prestigious IBBY Hans Christian Andersen award. Yulia Valentinovna Gukova was born in 1961 in Moscow. She has illustrated more than 50 books that have been widely translated, including classics such as Thumbelina by H.C. Andersen and Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, as well as The Magic Land of Oz and the Wizard of Oz by L.F. Baum. Here is her web site. And here you can see may examples of her art.
Her five books submitted for judging for the Hans Christian Andersen Award are “Velikiy Charodei strani OZ” (The Great Wizard of Oz) and “Chudesnaya strana OZ” (Wonderful country of OZ, both written by Lyman Frank Baum), “12 sov” (12 owls, written by Andrey Usachev and Galina Dydina), “Serena and the Wild Doll” (written by Philip Coristine) and “Puteshestvie v Novyi God” (A journey into the New Year, written by Eduard Uspenskiy).
I can lend you two of these books!