Saturday, January 22, 2022

Nominations for the Kate Greenaway Medal

The book that wins the Kate Greenaway Medal should be a book that creates an outstanding reading experience through illustration. The whole work should provide pleasure from a stimulating and satisfying visual experience, which leaves a lasting impression. Illustrated work needs to be considered primarily in terms of its graphic elements, and where text exists, particular attention should be paid to the synergy between the two.

The 72 nominations for the Kate Greenaway Medal have been announced. The CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal recognises a book that creates an outstanding reading experience through illustration.  Each nominated book is read by every member of the 2022 judging panel – which this year includes 13 children’s and youth librarians from CILIP’s Youth Libraries Group − who volunteer their time as judges. I am in awe of this because I am a judge here in Australia this year for our Children's Book Council awards (picture book category). We have three judges in our section and we have quite different views and perspectives about many of the books submitted. Fifteen judges just blows my mind - I do hope they meet in person - we have to ZOOM which adds to the complexity. You might also like to read the Greenaway criteria. And I found this splendid Library Mice post which expands on some of the glossary terms. 

Here a few of their many points that resonated with me. Do take a look at all the criteria these are just points I wanted to highlight:

The Visual Experience

  • What is the overall impact of the book on the reader?  What role do the illustrations play within this?
  • Do artistic and design choices* made throughout the book feel deliberate and considered and help to visually shape the narrative?
  • Do the illustrations individually and cumulatively make a lasting impression on the reader?

The Artistic Style

  • Is the style of the illustration fresh and creative?  Does the book contain elements of innovation, experimentation, imagination or playfulness?
  • Do the illustrations mainly provide surface aesthetic beauty, or help to progress or enhance the narrative?

Visual Representation

  • How is place represented? Does architecture, flora, fauna and clothing contribute to the establishment of this?

Synergy of Illustration and Text

  • Do the illustrations enhance the impact of the text or could they be considered ‘pictorial upholstery’ and for decorative purposes only?

The Format

  • Consider the use of the page layout (placement, gutters, blank space), in what ways do these contribute to or detract from the shaping of the visual narrative?

The Kate Greenaway short list will be announced on Wednesday 16 March 2022 and the winners will be revealed on Thursday 16 June 2022.

Check out my previous post about the 2022 nominated books. 

Here are some others from the list that I would like to read:

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