Friday, January 14, 2022

Yesterday Crumb and the Storm in a Teacup by Andy Sagar

"It is a truth universally acknowledged that a witch in possession of 

great magic must be in want of an apprentice."

When we first meet little Yesterday she is held in a cage in a circus where she is exhibited as a curiosity. Why is the child a curiosity? She was found as a baby outside the circus but that's not why. It is all about her strange appearance. She has ginger or pumpkin coloured hair, and pale silver skin. Yes that is curious but there's more. Yesterday has very strange ears. They look like the ears of a fox - pointed, reddish-brown and tipped with black. In the circus she has been named 'The Amazing Fox Girl' but in truth the cruel circus owners have no idea just how amazing she really is.

We are only up to page 6 in this story but I am sure you are bursting with questions. Who left this child at the circus? Why? Will she escape? What does her name mean? And how is she connected with the witch I mentioned in the quote above?

So Yesterday needs to be rescued. She needs to discover her talents and her heritage. Luckily Miss Dumpling, witch and tea shop owner, has found her. Hold on tea shop? Yes the Dimmerly End Teashop, established in 1756 where magic is priceless. If you have seen or read Howl's Moving Castle it will help you to imagine this marvellous teashop which can move from place to place. In this teashop magic is dispensed through cakes and tea - absolutely delicious cakes and wonderful, magical teas. 

Of course we need tension to give the story momentum. Just as she escapes from the circus, helped by the crow Madrigal, she meets an evil man named Mr Weep. When he asks her what is her heart's desire she cannot resist but by doing so she signs a deadly contract which will be enforced in exactly one month. 

Publisher blurb: Yesterday Crumb is no ordinary girl. She was born with fox ears that have cursed her to a lonely life working in the circus and her origins are a complete mystery. But she is about to escape into the adventure of a lifetime when she learns that she's a strangeling who's lost her magic. Taken in by Miss Dumpling the flamboyant Tea Witch, Yesterday is introduced to a magical, walking teashop filled with fantastical customers, a flying teapot turtle called Pascal and powerful spells in every teacup! Yesterday starts to rediscover her magic and to feel a sense of belonging. But a mysterious figure of darkness is working hard to ensure her new life comes crashing down - and it all starts with a deadly shard of ice in Yesterday's heart...

Yesterday Crumb will be published in March 2022 (Orion). I really enjoyed Yesterday Crumb and I read the whole book in one sitting (delicious). I recommend it for readers aged 10+ but I wonder will the cover appeal to them?  It does not appeal to me which is the main reason I gave this book four and not five stars (sorry to the designer of the cover). Huge thanks to Beachside Bookshop for my advance reader copy. If my description above has enticed you to read this book please don't let the cover dissuade you. This is a debut novel for UK author Andy Sagar. There are two more books planned for this series. Astute readers will also enjoy the fun cross references in this book to famous classics such as Pride and Prejudice (see my quote above) and William Shakespeare. 

I was delighted to also be gifted a special tea bag with the advance copy of this book.  In the UK reviewers were given three specially-made teabags based on spells in the book that you can drink when the characters brew them! (and) A very festive letter written by Andy!

Companion reads:

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