Wednesday, March 23, 2022

What if, Pig? by Linzie Hunter

Many of us worry about small things and I am sure this is a natural process bur this becomes a problem when small worries grow out of proportion. It is so dangerous to live with the constant thought of "what if".  Perhaps this book will help a young child, in a small way, to see the complications that arise when worries become all consuming. 

Pig decides to host his Birthday party and invite all of his friends but then the worries begin to pile in - will anyone come? Will too many friends come? What if this party is not as much fun as those hosted by the others? Pig cannot cope with all of these mounting worries so he cancels the party and retreats to his home. 

The best part of this book (spoiler alert) is the way his friends all band together to give Pig the best birthday every. I do enjoy stories about surprises like this especially when they show the kindness, understanding and generosity of friends. Then, in truly beautiful moment, one by one his friends reveal they have worries too. 

What if Pig? is a story that many children will relate to, it highlights the little voice inside us all that makes us doubt whether or not we are good enough and makes us worry about all the little things that could go wrong. It shows that friendship is a wonderful thing and that we shouldn’t keep worries secret. Just Imagine

The humour and the optimistic tone of this appealing book lighten the important message it conveys. A Library Lady

Another book with a surprise party that I love is Frog and a Very Special Day by Max Velthuijs. Here is Linzie's web site.  I do also have a small Pinterest collection of books about Birthday parties. Companion reads:

PS I was excited to hear my blog mentioned (42.50 min mark) on the Your Kid's Next Read Podcast this week - Episode 43. In this podcast the presenters share their favourite book bloggers and reviewers and also, as always, alert you to new books they have received in their mail (aren't they lucky that publishers send them review copies - I dream about this!). 

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