Friday, April 29, 2022

Wilder than Midnight by Cerrie Burnell

A baby is born but something is wrong. The mother takes the baby to huntsman and orders him to dispose of the child telling him she is dead. But this baby is not dead. The huntsman takes the tiny newborn to his own home and shortly after this he resigns from his job. Meanwhile the mother, who is actually the Queen, wants a replacement baby so sends her soldiers into the forest late at night and demands a young family surrender their new born baby girl. Baby Aurelia, as she is now named, is presented at her christening but someone arrives, not with a gift, but with a curse. When this girl pieces her finger on a spindle she will fall into a deep sleep and only the kiss from her true love will awaken her. 

Add to this mix a mysterious forest; dangerous wolves; local people under the tyrannical rule of an evil queen who forces them to work in her dangerous mines and three girls who form a team to reveal the truth and set Aurelia free. 

Here are some text quotes to give you a flavour of the writing:

Opening sentence: "At the edge of a fathomless forest, in a castle grey as could, a baby was born at the stroke of midnight. But, alas, all was not well."

"The scent of honeyed buns and baked currants reached Saffy through the cold. She flitted in through the open door of the bakery and breathed in happiness. On the counter were plates of creamy pastries, apple turnovers, sultana bread and slices of winter cake full of glistening cherries."

"Each wolf found its way to a member of the Forest Folk, and there they stood, heads and hearts level and aligned. ... Oak with her short dark hair, amazing knowledge of the forest and her red wolf named for her rare maple-leaf fur: Red. Jeremiah, the storyteller of the group ... his silver wolf Wisdom lingered by his side, her sharp intelligence glimmering like an aura. ... And Tobias - or Blackbeard - the protector of the group. With his bright eyes and rugged charm, stood with Rogue, his one-eyed cub."

When you pick up this book if you need a chapter to use as a book talk with a group in your library turn to chapter 19. It is filled with porridge, broken chairs, beds and bears but in a way that will delight you. 

If you love fairy tales then I am sure you will enjoy the alchemy of this story where so many favourites or elements of favourites are woven together. Red Riding Hood; Sleeping Beauty; Cinderella; Rapunzel; Goldilocks and the three bears; and the Snow Queen. This book is also a terrific page turner - I almost read it in sitting. Cerrie Burnell creates such a memorable atmosphere in the forest and in the tower where Aurelia is imprisoned and I loved the three feisty girls who work together to restore those two babies, now young girls, to their rightful families. 

Publisher blurb: Silverthorne is a place of secrets and stories. A forest full of twisting paths and tangled thorns. A castle with locked towers and murmurs of tragedy. A village trapped between terrors known and whispered. And something is stirring in the leaves . . . Saffy is a good girl, tired of being told to stick to the forest paths, and always follow the rules. Aurelia is a hidden girl, locked in a castle tower, dreaming of escaping the fate she's told awaits her Wild Rose is a fierce girl, raised by wolves, full of spells and fearlessness and cunning. Together, they will change Silverthorne forever.

I really enjoyed Wilder than Midnight but I went with four stars (nearly five) because I am not a fan of the cover (of course I am not the intended audience).

Wilder than Midnight will be published on 5th May, 2022. Here are some companion reads:

Cerrie Burnell is the author of twelve books. She appeared on the television show CBeebies. Just like Wild Rose in Wilder then Midnignt, Cerrie was born with a partly formed arm. 

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