Tuesday, June 7, 2022

The Forgettery by Rachel Ip illustrated by Laura Hughes

"Granny's Forgettery was huge because she was very forgetful. She smiled as her memories washed around her. Moments of delight, lost and forgotten, fluttering in the room like butterflies. Paper thin and delicate."

I love the affirmation in this book that everyone forgets things, that everyone can have difficulty remembering - not just older people. In this story, though, memories are not lost. They are safely kept in the Forgettery. 

After Granny and Amelia discover the delights of the Forgettery, Amelia has a splendid idea. She will make a memory book filled with photos, drawings, and one more essential ingredient - love.

When you pick up this book take some time to explore the title page where you can see Granny has been sticking up post-it notes to help with her memory loss. This page almost made me cry and the story hadn't even begun. 

It is a picture book about life and love and the relationship each and every one of us has with our memories. We all forget things, from being a baby to where we put our keys or the time – the list could go on! Picture Book Perfect 123

The Forgettery won the 2022 English 4-11 Picture Book Award. You can see other books illustrated by Laura Hughes on her web site. Here is an interview with Rachel about her book. 

You will want to pair this book with:

If all the World were AND Dance like a Leaf

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