Sunday, July 17, 2022

Hope by Corrinne Averiss illustrated by Sébastien Pelon

Corrine Averiss creates enormous tension in her book which will keep all readers turning the pages anxious for the outcome.

Finn loves his dog Comet. They are the best best of friends but it is obvious Comet is an older dog. One day he won't leave his bed.

"Not for walks. Not for trains. Not even for a snooze in Finn's den."

"Finn wrapped Comet in his favourite blanket and Dad gently lifted him into the car."

When they return home from visiting the vet, Finn retreats in to his den. Then Dad brings him a torch.

"Hope is keeping a little light on, however dark things seem."

Finn thinks of all the good times he has shared with Comet and he takes comfort in the arrival of the moon - like a giant torch in the sky. Finn sends his thoughts of hope out into the night and the next day Comet arrives home. He will need time to recover but Finn and his best friend will soon be able to enjoy their shared games and adventures. I sighed with relief. This is not a sad book - it is filled with - YES you've guessed this from the title - HOPE. I highly recommend this book as a worth while addition to your school library. 

Hope was published in 2019 and I was able to pick up a mint condition copy at a recent book fair for just $1.  I am puzzled as to why this book was sent to the fair - it is such a special book and one I am going to add to my own picture book shelves of treasured titles.

Emotional, funny and uplifting, this beautiful picture book is a pure delight from start to finish. A wonderful story that shows children not to give up hope when times are uncertain. Murdoch Books

I have already explored a few books by Corrine Averiss:

Sébastien Pelon is from France. I have added this book to my enormous "want to read" list.

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