Wednesday, August 24, 2022

A Dress with Pockets by Lily Murray illustrated by Jenny Løvlie

Aunt Augusta takes Lucy shopping for a new dress. They go to the Fabulous Fashion Store and the manager proceeds to show a myriad of fancy dresses to Lucy. It is scene adults might link with the shopping one in Pretty Woman.

Apart from the title, there is a huge hint about Lily and her need for pockets when you look at the end papers - they are filled with tiny bits n' pieces perfect for placing in pockets!

"Sun dresses, fun dresses, blue dresses, green. Titchy dresses, witchy dresses, very very itchy dresses! Swirly-twirly-whirly dresses, fit for a queen.

Finally after all the flurry of over the top dresses, Lucy whispers her true desire - a dress with pockets! Lucy is an outdoor girl. She collects bugs, beetles, shells, feathers and leaves. Pockets are essential. 

Luckily the shop keeper has just the right dress - although I was hoping he might suggest something different such as pair of overalls or jeans. Anyway, Lily is delighted and so is Aunt Augusta - in fact they take two of these dresses - one each. 

It is fun to think about the way the author uses her own name for her young character. 

Gently whimsical and humorous, and underscored with a subtle feminist message, this is a joyous ‘read it again’ book and one that if shared with more than one child at a time, must be taken sufficiently slowly to allow for enjoying the wealth of detail and ongoing canine capers shown in every scene. Red Reading Hub

Jenny Løvlie is originally from Norway. She now lives in the UK. Here is her web site

Pockets are so useful and I find now, when I always need to carry a face mask (Covid), I appreciate pants and dresses with pockets even more.

Here are some other books about pockets - you could perhaps include this as a mini library theme:

Keep a poem in your pocket by Beatrice Schenk de Regniers

Keep a poem in your pocket
and a picture in your head
and you'll never feel lonely
at night when you're in bed

The little poem will sing to you
the little picture bring to you
a dozen dreams to dance to you
at night when you're in bed

Keep a picture in your pocket
and a poem in your head
and you'll never feel lonely
at night when you're in bed.

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