Monday, October 24, 2022

White Ravens list 2022

The White Ravens catalogue, the most important annual publication of
the International Youth Library (Munich). It aims to promote
quality in children’s book publishing ...

"The White Ravens" presents outstanding new publications of the international children's and young adult literature production of a year. The 2022 catalogue presents a selection of 200 notable children's and young adult books from 53 countries published in 37 languages.

Take a look at my previous post about the 2020 White Ravens titles.

Here are some of the titles from this newest catalogue:


I will be talking about Stellarphant here soon - it was a CBCA 2022 Honour Book and I am excited to say I was one of the Picture Book of the Year judges who selected this terrific book. 


United Kingdom

I have a few titles on my "to read list" from the 2022 White Ravens: The last Cuentista by Donna Barba Higuera; Mel Fell by Corey R Tabor; and Mole in a black & white hole by Tereza Sediva. 

I'm not able to talk about Piano Fingers by Caroline Magerl just yet because it has been entered for the 2023 CBCA Awards. 

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