Sunday, December 18, 2022

The Polar Bear who Saved Christmas by Fiona Boon illustrated by Clare Fennell


This story is a rift on Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer. In this version one of the reindeer team is unwell and so a small polar bear, who accidentally finds Santa's village and all the elves, is asked to join the team. The polar bear explains he would love to help but he cannot fly. Of course that is not a problem in this magical world. The elves sprinkle him with some sparkles and off they go.  

After an exciting night of present deliveries our little hero crawls into his den to sleep. The next morning he finds a wonderful surprise - a shiny sleigh bell. This is sure to remind you of The Polar Express. I remember when some editions of that classic were sold with a large golden bell.

This rhyming book, The Polar Bear who Saved Christmas, is not an especially memorable Christmas story but I am sure it will be enjoyed by your young preschool reading companion. Sadly, though, this book is now out of print. I picked up my copy at a recent charity book sale for fifty cents (and it is in mint condition).  You might be lucky and find a copy in a library - I do hope so. 

The main reason I am sharing this book, though, is because I do like the collage illustrations. You might notice the newspaper tree on the cover above. I have also put two covers because this book was released with a 'snow globe' cover too and I think that looks very special. Clare Fennell says "I love working in collage, cutting up bits of magazines, newspapers, painted papers, anything really, and finishing in Photoshop to clear up all the messy bits."

You can see inside this book here.

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