Friday, June 23, 2023

The One and Only Ruby by Katherine Applegate

"So, what amazed you today, sweet girl?"
"What filled you with wonder? What made you feel awe?"

Creed of the herd - "An elephant alone is not an elephant."

You are sure to have met Ivan (The One and Only Ivan) and perhaps Bob (The One and Only Bob) and if so I am sure you will really want to get your hands on this third book where we find out more about Ruby and how she came to be at the shopping Mall with Stella, Ivan and Bob and later how life is going for Ruby with the other elephants at Wildworld Zoological Park and Sanctuary. 

Publisher blurb: Ruby’s story picks up a few months after the events of The One and Only Bob. Now living in a wildlife sanctuary, Ruby’s caretaker from the elephant orphanage in Africa where she grew up is visiting. Seeing him again brings back a flood of memories both happy and sad of her life before the circus, and she recounts the time she spent in the African Savannah to Ivan and Bob.

Listen to Colby Sharp talk about this book - his enthusiasm is wonderful. "I couldn't stop reading it but it was also hard to read at times ... It's just amazing what reading can do."

Applegate deftly tempers themes of grief and loss with compassion and humor as Ruby finds her place in the herd. ... Certain to steal hearts. Kirkus

Do you like the idea of book sets - I do. I am so happy to have all three of the books in this series sitting side by side on my shelf - The One and Only Ivan, The One and Only Bob and now The One and Only Ruby. The covers all work together really well but oddly the spine on the newest book has a slightly different format.

Here are some text quotes from The One and Only Ruby.  I highly highly recommend this series for readers aged 9+. My post labels will give you some idea about the themes in this book - animal conservation, the ivory trade, animals in captivity and elephants. 

"Elephants use our tusks for all kinds of things. They help with eating and digging and playing and some times even fighting. They are so important that when your tusks arrive, elephants hold a special ceremony to celebrate the occasion."

"When I was a baby, I had a mom, too. I guess that's true of most babies. I don't have one anymore. I haven't had much luck when it comes to moms."

"Floppy running is the best kind of running because it happens when you are feeling good about the world and like you could almost fly if you weren't an elephant and also had some wings, because they would for sure help. When you floppy-run your ears and trunk and tail go wherever they choose. Your legs just kind of floats in the air and your feet skip along like they just heard a really good joke. Watch a baby elephant sometime. They love to floppy-run."

"There's a word elephants have for those who take care of us. We call them sentinels. A sentinel is someone who looks out for you. It can be someone who's part of your herd, of course, but it could be anyone. Sentinels can be your caretakers or your friends or your teachers or your neighbors. They look out for you. They understand you. They try to help you."

"We are not our best selves without kindness. ... We are not our best selves without wonder ... We are not our best selves without courage ... We are not our best selves without gratitude."

Read more plot details for The One and Only Ruby at The Book Muse

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