Saturday, October 7, 2023

Soon by Libby Gleeson illustrated by Jedda Robaard


I have a friend who is expecting a new grandchild. Her little grand daughter, aged four, is getting ready for her new brother and so I have kept my eye out for books on this topic. I do have a Pinterest - New Baby brother or sister.

I volunteer in the library at Westmead Children's hospital and that's where I spied Soon which was published in 2020.

"We're waiting for our baby. Wait, wait, wait. 'When will the baby come, Mum?"

Have you guessed the answer - soon.

Every page in this book follows this same form - "We wash the tiny clothes. Wash, wash, wash. Splash, splash, splash. 'When will the baby come, Mum?"

And so the little girl (mouse) and her mum prepare the baby's crib, sort out the toys, and wait, wait wait. I adore the final wordless page with this sweet illustration.

Soon was a 2021 Children's Book Council of Australia Notable title. Here is a webpage for the illustrator Jedda Robaard. Read more about Libby Gleeson here

This is a perfect book to read aloud to a very young child, and it is one you will probably read many times in the months leading up to the arrival of the new family member.  Here are a couple of other books to explore on this topic:


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