Thursday, April 18, 2024

Norman didn't do it! (yes he did) by Ryan T Higgins

"Norman was a porcupine. Norman's best friend was Mildred. Mildred was a tree."

Norman has always done everything with Mildred - games, reading bedtime stories and talking. BUT one day another tree pops up out of the ground. 

"Suddenly, it was no longer just Norman and Mildred. Now it was Norman and Mildred and the other tree. This did not sit well with Norman."

Over time we watch as the other tree grows taller and seemingly closer until one day their leaves touch. For Norman this is the last straw! (Even though in this case there were no straws. Just branches.)

Norman is desperate so he makes a plan. He needs to get rid of this other tree - can you guess what he does? He digs it up and transplants it very very very far away on a tiny island in the middle of the river. BUT now Norman feels dreadful. He feels guilty. And should he think about how Mildred might be feeling. And what about the other tree all alone so far away. Oh and what if someone saw him move the little tree. They might tell Mildred!

"What if digging up your friend's friend in the middle of the night and taking that friend very very far away was NOT the right thing to do? What if it was the WRONG thing to do?"

The library I am lucky enough to visit each week adds a little sticker to the front cover of books they especially love - the sticker says "Our Picks" and Norman Didn't do it (yes he did) has very appropriately earned one of these stickers. This book should be added to your school library and preschool bookshelf and you should also borrow it from your local library or badger them to purchase it. I do have to add, though, that very sadly this book costs over AUS$35 here in Australia so you might need to wait for the paperback edition. My copy was published in September, 2021 so hopefully the paperback is not too far away. This book could also be one to read aloud in your library or as a discussion starter about friendship, jealousy, and fixing our mistakes. And of course you will talk about the issue of 'twos company - threes a crowd' and how best to navigate changes in friendship groups. 

Ryan T. Higgins' signature wit, whimsy, and humor brilliantly explore the depths and complexities of friendship. Publisher comment

Here are some other books by Ryan T Higgins:

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