Monday, November 4, 2024

Everything you ever wanted to know about the Tooth Fairy by Briony Stewart

The full title of this book is:

Everything you need to know about the tooth fairy 
(and somethings you didn't)

Begin with the cover. Briony Stewart is a master of movement. Go back and look at her book Gymnastica Fantastica. I love the way the magic is swirling around on this cover and you can almost hear those little sparkles. Now turn to the tooth filled end papers - these really set up the early statistics quoted by Briony:

"Every single minute of every single day, a child somewhere loses a baby tooth. In fact if you put all the children of the world together, they are losing more than 200 teeth a minute - that's 300,000 teeth every day!"

Each page in this book poses and answers an important tooth fairy question such as these (but there are more):

  • What's a tooth fairy?
  • What do they do with the teeth?
  • Why do tooth fairies like children's teeth?
  • How do they take your tooth?
  • Where do tooth fairies live?
  • What happens if I want to keep my tooth?
  • Why does the tooth fairy leave different amounts of money? (or sometimes forget to come!)
  • How do tooth fairies know when you've lost a tooth?
I am sure we will see this book listed as a 2025 CBCA Notable but will it be in Picture Book or Early Childhood or perhaps even Non Fiction? This book would be a terrific gift and I would also add it to a class mini unit about the tooth fairy. 

Here are some splendid teachers notes written by Dr Robyn Sheahan-Bright and she has included a very extensive reading list with lots of picture books I certainly need to find and read.

Here are my own favourite tooth fairy books. All of these would be great to read alongside or after this new book by Briony Steward:

this is long out of print but it is also one of my most favourite books to read aloud

The Tooth Fairy - this is wonderful wordless book

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