Thursday, December 26, 2024

Inspiring Quotes from Children's Classics compiled by Annie Sarac illustrated by Ruth Burrows

This beautifully illustrated collection offers quotes from historical and modern classics for today's kids. Centred around helpful themes, such as being different, friendship, and taking risks, 
these inspirational words from some of the most creative minds in children's literature offer readers timeless wisdom for today's world.

This was the most perfect Christmas gift given to me by my friend from Kinderbookswitheverything.

Yes, I do love all the quotes but even more I gasped over so many of the books that have been selected.

There are eighteen sections in this book with headings such as adventure, family, curiosity, forgiveness, friendship, love, the impossible, patience, truth, nature and you matter. In a classroom you could use these quotes - one each week - to display in your classroom and perhaps put a copy of the book cover alongside the quote. There are over 160 quotes in this book for you to choose from. And the books range from Picture Books to Middle Grade right up to Young Adult titles.

Adults will undoubtedly enjoy seeing old favorite reads featured with a quote. Kids may well enjoy the many quotes too. This book also would make a great resource for choosing a child’s next book. Joyce's Mystery and Fiction Book reviews

Instead of referring to the headings in the book I am just going to share some of the titles and their quotes - these are books that I loved reading and that hold reading memories that I cherish.

"You have been my friend, ... that in itself is a tremendous thing."

"After a long, long time she reached an important conclusion. 
She was never going to stand by and say nothing again."

"No matter how much we love someone, or think we know them, 
we can never know what it is like to be inside them."

"If you love someone, you don't quit on them just because they make a mistake."

"How can you make a beautiful ending without making beautiful mistakes?"

"The adventure is over. Everything gets over, and nothing is ever enough. 
Except the part you carry with you."

"She's different. But it's not bad different; it's better."

"There's another thing that's strange about the library, it seems like time flies when you're in one."

"Stories never really end. They can go on and on and on. 
It's just sometimes, at a certain point, one stops telling them."

"We must ask ourselves these questions as often as we dare. 
How will the world change if we do not question it?"

"We wanted a family so bad, all of us. And we just grabbed each other and made one."

"Bitter is a bad way to live."

"Apologizing is like spring cleaning. It's time to make things right around her, 
and there's no getting out of it."

"If you look the right way, you can see the whole world is in a garden."

"One step,' I thought. 'One step at a time,"

"Like the sunrise, some things just have to happen - all you can really do is watch."

"You can't get where you're going without being where you've been."

"Every person, every set of eyes, has the right to the truth."

"Never be afraid to be honest and stand up for what is right."

"You are ever so much more than you realise."

Other books that are mentioned in Inspiring Quotes from Children's Classics which I have read and loved but may not, in some cases, have blogged here:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you. You have done the book justice!
