Monday, July 13, 2020

Curious Creatures, Wild Minds part six, Collective Nouns

Curious Creatures, Wild Minds

Image source: Bas Blu

Collective nous are curious and often so inventive in the way they describe a group of creatures. My mind goes wild when I think about the different words.

Image source: National Geographic

Here are a few examples I found for butterflies:

  • A flutter of butterflies
  • A flight of butterflies
  • A kaleidoscope of butterflies
  • A shimmer of butterflies

Here are examples for swans:

  • A ballet of swans
  • A drift of swans
  • A lamentation of swans
  • A whiteness of swans

Here are some examples that I adore

  • A circus of puffins
  • A parliament of owls
  • A chatter of budgerigars
  • A galaxy of starfish
  • A tower of giraffes
  • A loveliness of ladybirds


Animals and English - this site is very comprehensive and well worth exploring.
Twenty Five strange names Video
An ambush of Tigers (Kirkus star review)

There are a host of books that explore this topic:

Previous Curious Creatures, Wild Minds posts:

1. The curious Giraffe
2. Guessing
3. Emotions
4. Our Platypus
5. ABC

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